Legal Notice

Presentation of the platform

Under article 6 of law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, it is specified to users of the platform (including the website and its mobile application), the identity of the various participants in the framework for its implementation and monitoring.


The delegated publisher of the ANDJOYS platform is Provocom Formation SAS with capital of €40,000.00.

President: Christophe Provost

Head office: 10 avenue Gustave Eiffel, 28000 Chartres. RCS Chartres 435 369 764 – SIRET
435 369 764 00038 – APE 8559A – Intra. VAT. FR36435369764 – Declaration of registered activity with the Prefect of the Centre-Val de Loir Region under number 24 28000997 28. This registration does not constitute state approval.

Publication Director

Christophe Provost, President of Provocom Formation SAS


Illustrations: Laurent Brailly

Hosting of the ANDJOYS platform: Amazon Web Services, server located in France
Hosting and graphics of the website: Bleu Digita

Intellectual property

The delegated publisher of this platform is Provocom Formation SAS which acknowledges being required in its role as publisher delegated to the property rights of third-party companies, including the one which ensured the development of this platform. Provocom Formation SAS is committed to strict compliance with these rights with regard to publishing rights and particularly intellectual property. Brands mentioned on this platform are linked to property rights and cannot be reproduced without written consent from Provocom Formation SAS.

The general structure, texts, images - animated or not - programs, software and all elements of this platform are managed by the delegated publisher and are protected by copyright.
Any reproduction, total or partial, of the platform, by any process, without the express authorization of Provocom Formation SAS is prohibited and may constitute an act of
criminally sanctioned counterfeiting.

The brands, trade names and all other distinctive signs displayed on this platform are registered as trademarks, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The reproduction, total or partial of these brands or logos using elements of the platform without explicit authorization from Provocom Formation SAS is prohibited by article L713-2 of the Penal Code.

Processing of personal data on the platform ANDJOYS

The information or data collected on this platform is recorded on an IT system managed by delegation by Provocom Formation SAS to facilitate access to learning languages via the ANDJOYS platform - as well as for assessment purposes.

This data is provided by users who accept, by creating an account on the platform, voluntarily and expressly these conditions and authorize their processing by the company Provocom Formation SAS.

The person responsible for processing your data, within the meaning of the regulations on the protection of data, is the company Provocom Formation SAS, whose head office is located at 10 avenue Gustave Eiffel 28000 Chartres, reachable for the purposes hereof at the following email address:

Only employees of the Language Strategies department of Provocom Formation SAS, your possible trainerand the service providers integrated into the platform and mentioned below have access to your data:

MATOMO, which allows you to analyze the platform’s audience.

The data is kept for the duration necessary for the purposes of their collection, i.e. for one year before their permanent deletion. They are not shared with people or entities other than Provocom Formation SAS and persons mentioned above. Your personal data is not transferred outside the European Union.

In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law, you have the right to access, rectify and
erase your data, as well as the right to object or request the limitation of treatment to which they are subject. You also have the right to portability of your data, where applicable. Simply make a request to or by postal mail to the attention of data protection manager Provocom SAS Training / Languages Strategies 10 avenue Gustave Eiffel 28000 Chartres, specifying last name, first name and address and providing proof of your identity.

Visit the website for more information on your rights. If you think, after having Contacted us, that your “Computer and Liberties” rights are not respected, you can send a complaint to the CNIL.

Further information on the processing of personal data in the context of Services are given in our personal data management policy.

General conditions of use of the ANDJOYS platform

These general conditions must be accepted by the User at the time of creating an account. All elements of this site are protected by copyright registered by delegation by Provocom Formation SAS.

Despite the attention paid by Provocom Formation SAS, the information contained on this site is
provided for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Consequently, the Users agree that they are solely responsible for their use of this information.

The user accepts these conditions of use. Any dispute regarding interpretation or the application of these conditions will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

Services not offered by the company Provocom Formation SAS and presented/sold only
by third-party companies to which the User can access from the platform are not, whatever reason, the responsibility of the company Provocom Formation SAS. The User is invited to read the conditions of said services as posted online by the companies concerned under their entire responsibility.

Information made available

The content made available on the platform is provided for informational purposes and may evolve depending on legislative or regulatory changes or for any other reason deemed necessary. The editorial team reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this platform

Despite all the care taken, the platform may contain inaccuracies, updating errors. Users of the platform can report possible omissions, errors or corrections by email by writing to the following email address:

The existence of a link from the platform to another site does not constitute validation of this site or of its content. It is up to the Internet user to use this information with discernment and critical wit. The publisher cannot be held responsible for the information, opinions and recommendations made by these third parties.

Setting up a hyperlink to the content of the ANDJOYS platform requires prior specific agreement. in writing from the company Provocom Formation SAS. In any case, the links from sites publishing content of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature, as well as sites containing content contrary to decency or good morals and current regulations are prohibited. The company Provocom Formation SAS may at any time withdraw this authorization and delete the link if it does not comply with current legislation or if the link does not comply with the General Conditions of Use. The link must clearly indicate the nature of the content as well as the exact address of the page. Any use of links to the platform for commercial and advertising purposes is prohibited.

Traffic tracking cookies

In order to better serve you and improve the user experience on our platform, we use MATOMO navigation analysis and Internet audience measurement cookies. In browsing this platform, you agree that cookies may be placed on your device. The use of cookies is detailed in our personal data management policy. The sole purpose of these cookies is to measure the audience of the platform's pages, in order to enable an evaluation of the published content and the ergonomics of the platform. Use of the cookie deposited is strictly limited to the production of anonymous audience statistics. The use of these cookies does not allow the identification of individuals. The data collected is therefore not combined with other processing of personal data and will not be used for commercial purposes.

You have the option to accept or refuse cookies when you initially log in to the site.
platform. Your agreement will be considered valid for a period of 12 months. Whatever your
choice, we will give you access to the same content and the same browsing experience. We
would like to inform you that the recording of your choice is carried out on each browser
that you use.

In accordance with data protection regulations, any User who has submitted via this personal data platform has a right of access, rectification and erasure of their data, as well as the right to object or request the limitation of the treatment to which they are subject. The data subject also has the right to the portability of his/her data, if applicable. To do this, simply make a request to the following email address and specify your last name, first name and address

Cookies used on the ANDJOYS application






Identify the browser language



Memorise the interface language of an anonymous user



Detect country



Detect the user's digital device



Remember the status for the word to word translation feauture



Save the interface language of the registered user



Authenticate registered user



Memorise the sound volume for games



Temporarily store the position when scrolling the window



Remember status for the activation of Javascript