General Conditions of Use

These General Conditions govern the use of the “My Account” area of the platform.

Article 1 - Object

The purpose of these General Conditions of Use is to define the relationships between ANDJOYS
and the user of the service as well as the conditions applicable to any use of the My space Account.

They can be modified at any time by Langues Stratégies. No modification can be retroactive.

Use of the account implies unreserved acceptance of these regulations, without possibility of modification, complaint on any grounds whatsoever. The user must accept these General Conditions in their entirety, prior to using the account. Any access and/or use of the
account assumes acceptance of and compliance with all of the terms of these Terms.

They constitute a contract between the service and the user. In case the user does not wish to
accept all or part of these general conditions, you are asked to reject any use of the Service.

Langues Stratégies services reserve the right to suspend or interrupt at any time the use of the account.

In the event of interruption, Langues Stratégies cannot be held responsible for the consequences of this interruption for the user.

Article 2 - Definitions

- User: The User is any person who uses the site or one of the services offered on the site.

- User Content: The term “User Content” refers to the data transmitted by the user in the different sections of the account.

- Password: The “Password” is confidential information, which the user must keep secret, allowing it to be used in conjunction with their identifier, to prove identity.

Article 3 - Access and use of the Account

The user is solely responsible for the information and data they transmit to their
account. They are required to preserve their confidentiality and regularly monitor the use of their

They will inform ANDJOYS if they notice fraudulent use of it. Languages Strategies reserves the right to change it, block the profile and notify the user concerned.

The user is prohibited from using and transmitting any term or data that may be
Constituted as crimes or offenses according to the French legislation in force, and in particular, provocation discrimination, hatred or violence, attacks on the authority of justice and good morals, defamation or insult, invasion of privacy.

Article 4 - Management of personal data

The information that the user enters on this site is intended solely for the creation of an
account on ANDJOYS. This recording is made at the initiative of the user for the creation of the

No commercial use will be made from the data collected.

Only administrators of the ANDJOYS site have access to the information collected.

In accordance with the law known as “information technology and freedoms” of January 6, 1978, users benefit from a right of access and correction of information which concerns them.

The user has the right to access the data recorded on their account. They can
request deletion by email to

Langues Stratégies is committed to
respond within one week.

Article 5 - Responsibilities and guarantees

All costs concerning access to the service, whether hardware, software or access costs to the internet are exclusively the responsibility of the user. They are solely responsible for the proper functioning of their computer equipment as well as their access to the Internet.

Langues Stratégies reserves the right to refuse access to the service, unilaterally and without notification or prior notice, to any user who does not comply with these conditions of use

Langues Stratégies implements all reasonable means at its disposal to ensure access
of quality to the service, but is under no obligation to achieve this.

Langues Stratégies cannot, moreover, be held responsible for any malfunction of the network or
servers or any other event beyond reasonable control, which would prevent or would degrade access to the service. Langues Stratégies reserves the right to interrupt, temporarily suspend or modify without notice access to all or part of the service, in order to ensure its maintenance, or for any other reason, without the interruption giving rise to any obligation or compensation.

Article 6 - Intellectual property

The ANDJOYS site, and its contents in particular, are protected by the laws in force in France.

The general structure, texts, animated or non-animated images, sounds, know-how, programs and software as well as any other element making up this site are the property of Langues Stratégies by delegation and are protected by copyright.

Any total or partial reproduction of this site, by any means whatsoever, without explicit authorization from Langues Stratégies is therefore prohibited and constitutes an infringement.

The brands, trade names and logos appearing on this site are registered trademarks unless otherwise noted. Any total or partial reproduction of brands or logos, made from the elements
of the site, without the express authorization of Langues Stratégies is therefore prohibited within the meaning of article L713-2 of the ICC.

Article 7 - Complaints

Any complaints can be made to ANDJOYS via an email to andjoys@langues-

Article 8 - Sanctions

The managing service reserves the right to take any measure it deems appropriate
against any user who, in their opinion, contravenes the provisions of the legislation in force or
of these T&Cs. These measures may include, in particular, one or more warnings
addressed to the user in question, their account deletion or legal action.

Article 9 - Disputes

Any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of these conditions will be the exclusive jurisdiction of French courts applying French law.